Connect with targeted management recruiters
and search firms in 3 minutes
ExecutiveTrumpet provides a time-saving, proven and effective way for
you to connect with targeted search firms, executive recruiters and headhunters.
Rather than send your resume to one search firm, management recruiter or headhunter
at a time you can now just fill out one form and have your resume go to
recruiters that recruit for your industry, function, salary level and
With ExecutiveTrumpet you can connect with targeted search firms or
management recruiters in 8 regions across the US and Canada covering over
80 job functions and 80 industries, including, Sales, Marketing, Engineering,
Technology, Finance, Senior Management, Operations, Management Consulting,
Law, General Management and lots more.
Save time - only one resume to prepare and one form
to complete. Your resume will soon be in front of multiple, targeted search
firms and management recruiters. Save weeks and months finding, calling
and emailing recruiters and filling in forms.
Be first - your details are put in front of targeted
search firms and management recruiters before vacancies are even advertised.
This gives you the best chance of uncovering executive jobs and management
Targeted - target recruiters based on your salary level,
job function, job level, industry, and geographical area. Executive recruiters
and search firms are waiting for your resume.
Fast & direct - once we've briefly checked your
recruiter options for relevancy, your resume will be on its way to the
inboxes of all relevant recruiters from our network.

We have executive recruiters registered from the following industries:
Technology |
Manufacturing/Industry/Commerce |
Call-centre |
Agriculture/Mining |
Digital |
Biotechnology |
Fibre optic |
Computers/Peripherals |
Internet/E-commerce |
Consumer Goods (Food) |
Network Infrastructure |
Consumer Goods (Non-food) |
Peripherals |
Consumer Electronics |
Software - CRM |
Construction |
Software - Doc Mngmnt |
Cosmetics/Perfume/Soaps |
Software - Desktop Apps |
Electronics |
Software - ERP |
Fashion/Apparel |
Software - Finance |
Leather/Furniture/Stone/Glass |
Software - HR |
Manufacturing-Other |
Software - Manufac |
Metal Products |
Software - Retail |
Paints/Petroleum/Chems |
Software - Security |
Paper/Print/Packaging |
Software - Telco |
Pharmaceutical |
Software - Other |
Plastics/Rubber |
Oil & Gas |
Media |
Retail |
Advertising |
Transport/Logistics |
Broadcast/TV |
Utilities |
Media-Marketing |
Vehicles/Autos |
Publishing |
Wholesale |
Banking/Finance/Insurance |
Leisure/Hospitality |
Accounting |
Catering/Food Services |
Banking - Commercial |
Entertainment |
Banking - Investment |
Hotels |
Brokerage (Bonds/Securities) |
Sports |
Financial Services |
Travel |
Insurance - Claims |
Restaurants |
Insurance - Life |
Insurance - Commercial |
Healthcare |
Insurance - General |
Dental |
Re-Insurance |
Hospital |
Mutual Funds |
Long-term care |
Venture Capital |
Occupational Therapy |
Services |
Other |
Accounting |
Architecture |
E-commerce |
Education |
Engineering |
Executive Recruitment |
HR Services |
Law Enforcement |
IT Services |
Legal |
Logistics |
Real Estate |
Management Consultancy |
Non-Profit |
Supply Chain |
Connect with targeted search firms or recruiters covering the
following job functions:
Finance |
Sales/Marketing |
Manufacturing |
CFO/VP Fin. |
VP Sales |
VP Manufacturing |
Fin. Mgr/Director |
VP Marketing |
Manufacturing Mgr/Dir |
Accounting |
Sales Mgr/Director |
Automation |
Actuaries |
Marketing Mgr/Director |
Product Dev. |
Budgeting |
Account Mgr |
Production |
Cash Mgr |
Bus. Dev./Strategy |
Productivity |
Controller |
Mktg Comms |
Quality |
Credit |
Pre-Sales Engineer |
Fin. Analyst |
Product Marketing |
Materials |
M & A |
Product Mgr |
Logistics/Distr. |
Pensions |
PR |
Packaging |
Risk Mngmnt |
Sales Executive |
Purchasing |
Tax |
Technical Sales |
Design |
CEO/Board |
Healthcare |
Graphic Design |
CEO/President |
Healthcare Mgr |
Consumer Products |
Board of Directors |
Physician |
Fashion/Textile |
IT |
Engineering |
HR |
VP Eng. |
Eng. Mgr/Dir |
HR Mgr/Director |
Electronic |
HR General |
IT Mgr/Director |
Electrical |
Benefits |
IT Project Mgr |
Hardware |
Compensation |
IT Service Delivery |
Mechanical |
Recruitment |
Business Analyst |
Process |
Training |
Structural |
E-com/web dev. |
Systems |
Consulting |
Network Admin |
Cons. - Big 4 |
Research and Dev. |
Operations |
Cons. - Fin Services |
Systems Dev. |
General Ops |
Cons. - Industry |
Systems Support |
IT Ops |
Cons. - IT |
Software Architect |
Sales Ops |
Cons. - General |
Software Dev. |
Finance Ops |
Click here to reach multiple, targeted
executive or management recruiters

We at ExecutiveTrumpet have executive recruiters registered with us from across the U.S. and Canada.
Those looking to connect with executive recruiters and executive search firms can send a resume to each recruiter individually or use ExecutiveTrumpet to connect with multiple, targeted, recruiters.
Executive Recruiters in
Executive Recruiters in
Executive Recruiters in
Executive Recruiters Florida
Executive Recruiters
in Houston
Executive Recruiters in Illinois
Executive Recruiters in Indianapolis
Executive Recruiters
in Los Angeles
Executive Recruiters
in New York
Executive Recruiters Pennsylvania
Executive Recruiters
in Philadelphia
Executive Recruiters in Phoenix
Executive Recruiters
in San Diego
Executive Recruiters
in San Francisco
Executive Recruiters in
San Jose
Executive Recruiters in Texas
Executive Career Advice
Networking With
Executive Recruiters
How To Find Executive Recruiters
Executive Resume Writing
Executive Cover Letters
Executive Search Firms -- Retained or Contingency?
Retained Executive Search Firms
Contingency Executive Search Firms
Top Executive Search Firms
Executive Interview
Executive Career Change
Salary Negotiation
Cover Letters
Broadcast Cover Letter
Executive Recruiter Network
Calling Executive Recruiters
Executive Resume
Unadvertised Jobs
Executive Job Search
Executive Resume Tips
Career Networking
Executive Search Firm
Executive Recruiter
Executive Recruiters Calling Back
Executive Resume Stand Out
Age and Interview Questions